In the mid-1990s, a $10,000 investment in a nascent online bookstore seemed risky, but for Jeff Bezos’s siblings Mark and Christina, the decision may have catapulted them into the ranks of billionaires. A Bloomberg report reveals that in 1996, they each purchased 30,000 Amazon.com Inc. shares for $10,000. This investment has since grown exponentially, with each sibling’s stake potentially reaching over $1 billion today, a 10,249,900% gain.

According to an article by Luxury Launches, referencing a Bloomberg report from July 31, 2018, the stakes held by Jeff Bezos’s siblings were valued at $640 million each, based on Amazon’s stock closing price of $91 at the time. Fast forward to the present, and with Amazon’s stock price at $149, their stakes are now valued at $1.044 billion each.

Bezos, recognizing the emerging potential of e-commerce, embarked on an ambitious venture by founding Amazon in July 1994. This was a time when the internet was primarily used by government and educational institutions. Despite these limitations, Bezos was undeterred and pursued his vision, seeing the broader possibilities that the internet could offer.

Convincing investors, including his family, of the venture’s potential despite a high risk of failure was a monumental task. Bezos cautioned his parents about the 70% risk of losing their investment. According to the book “The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon,” he said, “I want you to know what the risks are because I still want to come home for Thanksgiving if this doesn’t work.”

In 1994, Bezos reportedly held 60 meetings with family members, friends and potential investors in an attempt to persuade them to invest in his online bookshop idea. Out of the 60 people he approached, 38 were not convinced. Years later, Bezos reflected on these early rejections, noting how some of those who declined his offer were still affected by their decision, either accepting it as part of life or finding it too painful to discuss.

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